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Monday, September 16, 2024

Season of Creation 2024 #3

  September 1 - October 4

For The Cry of The Earth

 We pray
that each one of us will hear and take to heart the cry of the Earth
and of victims of natural disasters and climactic change,
and that all will undertake to personally care for the world in which we live.

The Season of Creation is the Annual Christian Celebration to pray and respond together to the ‘Cry of Creation’: the Ecumenical Family around the World unites to listen and care for our Common Home.

 There are seven goals outlined by Pope Francis’ 2016 encyclical, Laudate Si! That provides guidance on urgent and immediate actions each one of us can take in caring for our Common Home.

 “All of us can cooperate as instruments of God
For the care of Creation,
Each according to his or her own culture,
Experience, involvements, and talents.”

- Laudato Si!  14

    1.  Respond to the Cry of the Earth
    2. Respond to the Cry of the Poor
    3.  Ecological Economics
    4. Adaptation of Sustainable Lifestyles
    5. Ecological Education
    6. Ecological Spirituality
    7. Community Resilience and Empowerment

Explore these Goals and go to:


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