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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

January 2024 Human Trafficking Prevention Month

 Human Trafficking Prevention Month
Week II 

Message of Pope Francis
February 8, 2023

Journeying for dignity, against human trafficking, without leaving anyone
behind. I would like to repeat some of the beautiful expressions: “Walking
with open eyes to recognize the processes that lead millions of people,
especially young people, to be trafficked for brutal exploitation. Walking
with an attentive heart to discover the daily paths of thousands of
people in search of freedom and dignity. Walking with hope guiding our feet to
promote anti-trafficking actions. Walking together hand in hand to support
one another and build a culture of encounter that leads to the conversion of
hearts and inclusive societies, capable of unmasking stereotypes and
protecting the rights of every person.

I hope that many people will accept your invitation to walk together against
trafficking: walking together with those who are destroyed by the violence of
sexual and labor exploitation; walking together with migrants, displaced
persons, those who are searching for a place to live in peace
and family. Together with you, young people, to reaffirm courageously the
value of human dignity. 

Talking  Points

  • Alliance to End Human Trafficking (AEHT) is a collaborative, faith-based national network that offers education, supports access to survivor services, and engages in advocacy to eradicate human trafficking. We work to inform the public, prevent this assault on human dignity, and assist survivors to live fulfilling lives.

  • Alliance To End Human Trafficking envisions a world without human trafficking with a network of services and resources to inform the public, prevent the crime, and assist survivors to achieve a fulfilling life.

  • Our members include 200+ congregations of Catholic Sisters, coalitions and organizations working to end human trafficking and individuals who share our mission. Ending human trafficking is everyone’s work!

  • Prevention is key to ending human trafficking, so education and advocacy are necessary but women and men need access to services to help them heal as well.

  • Pope Francis calls human trafficking one of the most troubling of the world’s open wounds. It goes against our Catholic Social Teaching and robs people of their dignity.

  • Many victims come from other countries where they are promised the American dream of getting an education and finding work only to have their passports confiscated, and fear of their safety or the safety of their family. They are taught not to trust law enforcement and speaking another language further diminishes their ability to seek help. Their dreams are turned into nightmares when they are forced to enter the sex industry, labor on farms, in hotels among other industries for 12 -to 14-hour days with no hopes of escaping their new-found life. 

Become a member of The Alliance to End Human Trafficking today: ml

Let’s PREVENT  Human Trafficking

God, help us see that human trafficking affects all of us.
Show us what is ours to do to increase awareness
of human trafficking so that people do not become victims.
Help us become more aware of how social media, poverty,
Homelessness, immigration status may make children 
and others vulnerable to exploitation.
Enlighten us on how our obsession with consumerism
Serves to feed the demand for cheap labor.
Help us to commit to incorporate one action in our lives that
Will serve to stop the demand and help people not become
Victims of Human Trafficking.  AMEN.

Christ Be Our Light by Bernadette Farrell

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