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Monday, June 5, 2023

World Environment Day

 Plastic  Pollution

 World Environment Day is celebrated
on June 5 every year

The day aims to remind us all of our shared responsibility to protect and nurture the environment. Together, we can make a difference by adopting sustainable habits, conserving resources, and promoting eco-friendly practices. Whether it's planting trees, reducing waste, or supporting renewable energy, every small step counts.

World Environment Day 2023 is focusing on the urgent mission of tackling plastic pollution through the powerful campaign called #BeatPlasticPollution. The theme is “Solutions to plastic pollution”.

Plastic pollution and its detrimental impacts on health, the economy and the environment cannot be ignored. Urgent action is required. At the same time, we need true, effective and robust solutions.

The world produces more than four hundred million metric tons of plastic waste each year. Less than ten per cent of plastic waste ever produced has been recycled. Where does the rest end up? Buried, burned or dumped – often after just one use. In oceans, rivers and lakes. And, increasingly, in the bodies of animals and people. Plastic pollution is a grave threat to ecosystems, to human health and to the climate. Cote d’Ivoire is not immune to plastic pollution.

We must redesign products to eliminate or use less plastic – particularly problematic and unnecessary plastics. Redesign product packaging to use less plastic. Redesign systems and products for reuse and recyclability. Redesign the system for justice – so that workers in the informal waste sector and other vulnerable communities have access to decent jobs.

Tips to Reduce Plastic Pollution

1) Say no to plastic straws.  Instead of buying a bottle of water, fill up your reusable flask at the tap or a water fountain 

2) Use a reusable water bottle.  Instead of buying a bottle of water, fill up your reusable flask at the tap or a water fountain 

3) Avoid plastic carrier bags  Did you know it takes more than 20 years for a plastic bag to decompose? Make sure you and your family take reusable bags with you on your next trip to the shops.

4) Snack on fruit,  Fruit fills you up in a healthy way, and there’s no extra plastic packaging. 

5) Make green goody bags for your next birthday party. Instead of filling your party bags with plastic yo-yos and other toys for your friends, give homemade tasty treats (like fudge) and eco-friendly gifts, such as paper notebooks and flower seeds.

6) Eat your ice cream from a cone. By ditching the cup and spoon you’ll reduce your plastic waste

7) Buy in bulk.  Encourage your family to shop for snacks, cereal and pasta in the bulk, then store it in reusable glass jars for when you need it.

8) Pack an eco-friendly lunch use reusable containers, and switch from cling film and food wrap to sandwich pockets and beeswax wraps.   

9) Never litter!  But you should always reuse and recycle whenever you can, and never leave plastic in the environment.

10) Go litter picking!  help keep the natural world clean by picking up rubbish! But be careful – always wear protective gloves and never grab anything that looks sharp or dangerous.

Read the Pope’s Letter to All Peoples   Laudato Si
View on YouTube the film,  “The Letter”

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