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Thursday, September 3, 2020

Season of Creation THEME

 Jubilee Time for Earth


We are faced  not by two separate crises,

one environmental and the  other social,

but rather  with one complex crisis

which is both environmental and social.

Strategies for a solution demand an integrated approach  

to combating poverty, restoring dignity to the  excluded,

and at the  same time  protecting nature.

Laudato  Si’   #139


We begin the Season of Creation, September 1 - October 4, in the midst of a climate emergency that some have called a climate collapse. The Season of Creation is a time to acknowledge the tipping points being reached, that are threatening the lives of the most vulnerable and putting the lives of future generations in jeopardy.  As people of faith we are called to stand up against climate injustice in prophetic ways.


The Theme of the 2020 Season of Creation is ‘Jubilee for the Earth’. Climate change is the result of the intersection of greed, inequality and destruction of God’s Earth.  Jubilee is a time to renounce overconsumption and economic systems based on constant economic growth at the cost of Earth and those who are poor.  In faith traditions, Jubilee is a time when those who have consumed the most must make restitution to those who have suffered the most.  It is a time of rest for the land from constant exploitation, to restore ecosystems and people. Let us learn, pray and act throughout this month long Jubilee!


Blessing  Prayer


We believe that all creatures come  forth from the  all-powerful hand  of the Creator, evolving  through time and space, filled with God’s presence and tender love.

May God awaken our praise and thankfulness for every        

creature and bless  us with the  grace of feeling  profoundly  

joined to everything that is. Amen.

Through Christ all things were made.  Formed in the womb of Mary our Mother, Christ Jesus became part of Earth, gazing upon this world with human eyes.

May Christ bless  us with eyes  to see  him alive in every creature in his risen glory. Amen.

The Holy Spirit guides this world toward the Creator’s love and accompanies creation as it groans in travail.

May this Holy Spirit dwell in our hearts and inspire us to do what is good, to care wisely and with love for Earth, our Common Home.   Amen.

And may our Triune God, wondrous community of infinite love, bless us all with justice, peace, love and beauty, Creator, Word and Holy Spirit.  Amen.


Hymn:  For The Beauty of The Earth



For more information go to:

Global Catholic Climate Movement

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