This year we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity. We are called to repent of our ecological sins and to change our attitudes and actions.
Righteousness demands that we live in peace, not conflict with our human neighbors, and building right relationships with God, ourselves, our human neighbors, and all creation. As the People of God, we must work together on behalf of all Creation, as part of that mighty river of peace and justice.
Those Indigenous communities that recognize the sacredness of natural elements and so live as an embodiment of an interconnected way of life, expressing a partnership between people and the life of the Earth, have much to teach the rest of the world.
Let us begin this Season of Creation by praying for the unity of all to spring forth like a mighty river that the whole cosmos may bless us with life-giving waters proclaiming peace and justice for all creation.
2023 Season of Creation Prayer
Creator of All,
From your communion of love life sprung forth like a mighty river and the whole cosmos came into being.
On this Earth of overflowing love, the Word was made
flesh and went forth with the life-giving waters proclaiming
peace and justice for all creation.
You called human beings to till and keep your garden. You
placed us into right relationship with each creature, but we failed to listen to the cries of the Earth and the cries of the most vulnerable. We broke with the flowing communion of love and sinned against you by not safeguarding the conditions for life.
We lament the loss of our fellow species and their habitats,
we grieve the loss of human cultures, along with the lives and livelihoods that have been displaced or perished, and we ache at the sight of an economy of death, war and violence that we have inflicted on ourselves and on the Earth.
Open our ears to your creative, reconciling and sustaining
Word that calls to us through the book of Scripture and the book of creation. Bless us once again with your life-giving waters so that the Creator Spirit may let justice and peace flow in our hearts and overflow into all creation.
Open our hearts to receive the living waters of God’s justice
and peace, and to share it with our suffering brothers and
sisters, all creatures around us, and all creation.
Bless us to walk together with all people of good will so
that the many streams of the living waters of God’s justice and peace may become a mighty river all over the Earth.
In the name of the One who came to proclaim good news
to all creation, Jesus Christ. Amen.