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Saturday, November 27, 2021

Advent Week I - Light a Candle of Hope

 Advent Week I - Light a Candle of Hope

All The Earth In Silence Waits!

O come, Desire of nations,
Bind in one the hearts of humankind;
Bid ev’ry sad division cease
And be Yourself our Prince of Peace.
Rejoice! Rejoice! 
Emmanuel shall come to you,
O Israel.

Ignite  The  Light  of  Hope
Prepare  The  Way

Advent is a time to prepare the way for the Birth of Christ and the Light of Christ to permeate the nations of the world, our neighborhoods, places of work, families and personal lives.  Darkness has increased in the world and in our lives at this time of the year.  During each week of Advent we light candles until the fullness of light appears at Christmas and is Manifested to all nations during the celebration of Epiphany.

How will we Prepare and Celebrate?   Opportunities abound all around us.  

Here are a few ideas
  • Read the Word of God especially the Gospel Passages about the Birth of Christ.
  • Foster relationships with time for each other.
  • Add more light, joy and love to your homes, families, and friends.
  • Practice patience and waiting.
  • Find ways to be a joyful giver.
  • Welcome the strangers you meet each day.
  • Set up your Advent Wreathe, Lights in your windows and a Christmas Tree with an intentional prayer to add the light of Christ to our world. 
  • Recite many times a day the mantra, Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

Come,  Lord  Jesus,  Come,
Fill Us and Our World with Hope

Advent Music:  Come O Lord 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Give Thanks

Give Thanks

Thanksgiving  Greetings

The Sisters of St. Joseph of Cluny wish you and your loved ones a Blessed and Joyous Thanksgiving!  We are particularly grateful for the many ways you have creatively stayed in touch with your ‘Cluny Family’ throughout these challenging and difficult months of the continued Global Pandemic.

We join you in giving our Creator God thanks and praise 
for the many ways we have been kept safe and free from all harm and disease.

We are grateful to our Families, Affiliates, Associates, Staff and Donors for the generous support of our Province Communities and our Ministries throughout this very difficult year and pray for your families for an end to this Covid - 19 Global pandemic.

The Lord bless you and keep you; 
the Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious to you; 
the Lord lift up His countenance upon you 
and give you peace. 
- Numbers 6:24-26

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Baptized in Christ Jesus

During the 18th and early 19th century, Martin was a very popular saint in France, especially in Burgundy where Anne-Marie was born, probably because he was the patron of vintners as well as soldiers.  Born in Hungary in 316 to pagan parents, he was conscripted in the army because his father was an army officer. He later became a Christian and a conscientious objector. 

The charges brought against him were  eventually dropped and Martin was free to become a monk. In 360 he settled in Gaul (France) and was soon joined by disciples. Together, they founded the first monastery in  Gaul.  In 371 the people proclaimed Martin Bishop of Tours. He served as a bishop –monk and converted many pagans to the faith. He died in 397. 

The biography of Martin written by his friend, Sulpicius Severus, relates the many good works and wondrous deeds that made him such a popular saint. In art, he is usually shown on horseback, handing his cloak to a poor man.  

Anne-Marie Javouhey saw in this saint, both a model for evangelization and a protector as she began working to save the faith from the destructive influences of the French Revolution.  The fact that she was baptized on November 11, the day the Church celebrates his life, made him all the more significant to her.

Called to Holiness
“Let all try to become saints”
AMJ  Letter 126

Those whom God calls to live in communion with Him as followers of Anne Marie Javouhey, are also called to holiness and this is not optional.  It is not enough for them to admire this woman, sing her praises and rejoice that she is known, admired and celebrated by others.  They have to take the pathway to holiness.  It is willed by God: “The Will of God is our sanctification,” writes St. Paul (I Thess 4:3)

Union with the Will of his Father was the goal of Jesus’ life from the first moment to the last. This is what he said on coming into the world… “God, here I am. I am coming to obey your will.” (Heb. 10:3,7) “Father…let your will be done, not mine…” (Lk. 22:42)

Anne Marie Javouhey had the mind of Christ in this matter. She dedicated herself wholly to God and to the doing of his Will. Because of this total availability, God led her to become a founder and a missionary. Today, God is just as ready to “do great things” for anyone who is united to him. Devotion to God’s Will is the beginning and the end of holiness. All that affects us and that does not originate in our will may and should be looked on as coming from God – as God’s will for us.