Cluny Sisters’
Unum et Anima Una!’
Week of
January 18 - January 25
"that they all
may be one."
(John 17:21)
theme for the 2018 Week of
Prayer for Christian Unity, “Your Right
Hand, O Lord, Glorious in Power,” is taken from the book of Exodus 15:6
and the ‘Song of Miriam’. The resources for this year’s Week of Prayer for
Christian Unity have been prepared by the churches of the Caribbean. The contemporary Caribbean is deeply marked
by the dehumanizing project of colonial exploitation.
As we pray for unity and freedom from exploitation we unite with our
Cluny Sisters in Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Dominica
Haiti and Cuba.
Together We Call Upon the Holy Spirit
With the
Christians of the Caribbean, let us call upon the Holy Spirit to set our hearts
on fire as we pray for the unity of the Church. Unite your servants in
the bond of unity.
Teach us to
pray. Come, Holy Spirit!
Liberate us
from the slavery of sin.Come, Holy Spirit!
Help us in
our weakness. Come, Holy Spirit!
Restore us
as your children. Come, Holy Spirit!
We have not
received a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Let us call upon the mercy
of God, confident in the saving power of God’s Right Hand, we pray:
structures that undermine human dignity and enforce new forms of enslavement,
deliver us, O God.
Have Mercy!
decisions and deeds that impose poverty and discrimination on our brothers and
sisters, deliver us, O God.
Lord, Have Mercy!
Lord, Have Mercy!
From the
fear and suspicion that separate us from each other and place limits on hope and
healing, deliver us, O God.
Lord, Have Mercy!
Lord, Have Mercy!
The Lord is
our strength and our might, and has become our salvation. May God, who has
redeemed us, lead into the abode of holiness. Amen.
United in
the charism of our Foundress, Blessed Anne Marie Javouhey, a spirit of freedom
and liberation, we are sent to Evangelize and share the Good News of Jesus
Together We Go Forth
Redeemed by
God’s Right Hand and united in the One Body of Christ, we pray:
The Spirit of the Lord is upon us,,
because the Lord has anointed usto bring good news to the poor.
to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind,
to let the oppressed go free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
Amen! Alleluia!
For more about the 2018 Week of Church Unity go to:
Interested in the Cluny Sisters in the Caribbean go to:
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