August 2015
Awareness :
- 2015 Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Report
- Criticism of TIP 2015
- Victims of Exploitation (Personal stories from various countries)
- The Link Between Extractive Industries and Sex Trafficking
- Modern Slavery as a Tactic in Armed Conflicts
- United States Self-Critique
- Global Call to Amnesty International: Do NOT Legalize Pimps, Brothel Owners and 'Johns'
Advocacy :
- 2015 TIP Report Tier Placement
- TIP Heroes
Action :
- Educational Video on Human Trafficking
- Progress Report from the Office of Victims of Crime
Click here for the August Stop Trafficking! Newsletter
September 2015
Awareness : Demand for Services: Exploitation and Trafficking
- U.S. Sales Crews
- 'I Didn't Know'
- 'Human Harvest'
- Hospital 'Laundering'
- Medical Professionals & Human Trafficking
- 'Soft'Core' Porn and a Child's Brain
- September Summit: Fighting Sexploitation
- Clothing Industry: Argentinian Sweatshops
- Film: 'The True Cost"
Advocacy :
- Polaris Advocacy for Victims of "Sales Crew' Abuses
- Lawyers' Role in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
- Update on the 2015 'Dirty Dozen' List
Action :
- Polaris 'Sales Crew' Actions
- Clothing Industry Actions
- Ask Twitter to Change Course
- #PornFreeWiFi
- Dancing Lessons
- Stop Putting Porn in Front of Kids!
- Cosmopolitan Campaign