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Thursday, January 8, 2015

No Longer Strangers

The Theme for Pope Francis’ 2015 World Day of Peace Message is: "No Longer Slaves, but Brothers and Sisters.”
The full text can be read at:

Stop Trafficking! January 2015 Newsletter

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

  • Faith Leaders Call for End to Human Slavery
  • Human Trafficking: An Overview
  • Links to several websites to learn more
Children and the Internet - Hyperlinks Leading into Human Trafficking
  • 'Spear Phishing' - hackers use unsuspecting adolescents' computer webcams and microphones to see, hear and know every keystroke
  • 'FBI-SOS' - a cyber safety program available online for 3rd-8th graders
  • 'Parents' Guide to Internet Safety'
  • Links to Resources for Child Safety Online
Human Trafficking of Minors Through Social Media
  • Texas Man Found Victims Through Social Media
  • Tips on How to Stay Safe Online

  • Myths about Prostitution
  • Shopping & Slavery
Action         :
  • February 8th: International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Human Trafficking
  • "Chosen" - the True Story of America's Trafficked Teens

Saturday, January 3, 2015

National Migration Week 2015 - January 4-10


remembering that the Holy Family fled violence
and lived for a time as refugees,
we ask that you protect all refugee families fleeing
and provide them a place of safety and comfort.

For children who are making perilous journeys,
often alone and without the protection of loved ones,
we ask that you reunite them with their families
and protect them from violence on the journey.

For all migrants,
that they not feel compelled to migrate
but have opportunities in their homeland
where they can thrive and live fully human lives.

Open our hearts so that we may provide hospitality
for those who come in search of refuge,
through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.