January 1, 2015 begins a New Year of Grace with the
Peace Message of Pope Francis titled: ‘No Longer Slaves, But Brothers And
Sisters’ we are challenged to work for the end of this evil of Slavery and
Human Trafficking today. Join us in prayer and action.
We pledge ourselves here today to do all in our power,
within our faith communities and beyond, to work together for the freedom of
all those who are enslaved and trafficked so that their future may be restored.
Today we have the opportunity, awareness, wisdom, innovation and technology to
achieve this human and moral imperative.
(Joint Declaration of Religious Leaders Against Modern Slavery, Dec
The liberating charism of Blessed Anne Marie urges us
to reach out to these dehumanizing situations.
We commit ourselves to fight against slavery in our world promoting the
dignity of each person.
(Sisters of
St. Joseph of Cluny Global Concerns Statement, 2012)
During this new
year may we:
Live deeply with
Live wisely, with
Live justly, with
Live mindfully
with awareness
Live in peace.
Follow this link for Pope Francis's World Day of Peace message: